Sep 2, 2023Liked by Gearoid Murphy

«The good news is that this study among several others concludes that there is very little chance China will go anywhere near mass immigration.» How is this good news? Why is China not bearing any of the burden of the mass-migration agenda that Red China promotes for Western countries—both via official People’s Republic of China governmental meddling and ethnic Chinese lobbies in Western countries who organize to attack historic White majority populations. You noted yourself how the Chinese orchestrate systemic birthing fraud schemes to subversively exploit US citizenship laws and flood America with more co-ethnic Fifth Columnists: «China has naturalised an estimated 1660 non-Chinese foreigners as citizens. Meanwhile according to one data analyst company, 150,000 Chinese went to the US to birth babies in 2018 alone.»

America is not the only target; other Anglosphere countries (Oz, NZ, Canada) have it even worse with Chinese mass-migration in proportional terms. Whereas PRC is allowed to get away with „racist“ immigration laws in the 21st century, ☭CCP-backed Chinese ethnic lobbies in Western countries lay on guilt thick against White heritage populations—who founded and built Western countries—over past ‘discriminatory’ immigration laws (e.g. ‘White Australia’ policy; Canadian & US Chinese Exclusion Acts which totally barred Chinese immigration til mid-20th century.)

Europe too is in China’s crosshairs. Recall in 2020 Italy became an early epicentre of WuFlu outbreak due to large numbers of Chinese immigrants insourced to replace Italian workers and undercut European wages in the Milan fashion industry. As Xi’s PRC was loading planes full of infected patients from Wuhan to Rome, Beijing state media China Global TV was promoting a „Hug a Chinese“ ad campaign showing them walk up to Italians in Florence and ask them to hug random Chinese people to oppose the „real viruses“ of „racism” and „xenophobia”.

You seem to have a prior article critical of Zionism? Why praise China for behaving like a much larger Israel—also a „racist“ state with a racial identity based on ancient mythical origins like Chairman Xi’s „yellow dragon“—and which also engages in massive double standards when it comes to attitudes on racial identity that its ethnic lobbies promote in Western countries…Chinese Communist Party should be condemned, not praised, for its atrocious conduct worldwide. CCP treats its own minorities like Palestinians, while CCP finances subversive antiwhite militants like Black Lives Matter terrorists to destabilize and destroy the Occident.

China is no friend to the Irish in Ireland nor any historic White Western ethnic majority nation. China has plenty of room for the „diversity” it loves to promote in the West, especially with CCP’s impending One-Child Policy demographic collapse.

On a final note, it kind of begs the question as to why so many millions of ethnic Han Chinese born in their own yellow dragon Han ethnostate still want to flee le soi-disant „superpower“ China and mass-immigrate to Western countries (like all other Third World populations) despite all our modern problems in the West—problems the Chinese themselves help foment.

Conversely, even if Red China were not a dystopian antihuman hivemind totalitarian police state able to enforce ‘draconian’ immigration laws…were Chairman Xi to announce he was opening PRC borders and inviting anyone around the world who wants to live in China to move thither, I see no demand to migrate to China among people who have the option of living in the Occidental First World.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Gearoid Murphy

Excellent and balanced overview, but we must caution against excessive Sinotriumphialism. China has always had a very large and highly intelligent population yet they have historically underperformed.

I suspect this is because their cultural predilictions is towards stability rather than innovation. Europeans are very hard to organise and tend to splinter constantly: just look at the mess that is Europe. But the upside is greater innovative capacity. Rapid rise, rapid fall. China is more likely to be merely moderately innovative at best. They can brute force their way through on sheer human capital power alone.

The paranoia in Western capitals is largely delusional. China does not, in my view, seek to replace the Western system. The Chinese are at root dispassionate and apolitical merchants. They just want to trade and be left alone. The equivalence of "white saviour complex" doesn't exist. But the flipside is that Chinese people are terrible at influencing others. Their diplomacy and soft power is non-existant.

I think the best way to think of China is that of a giant fortress. Big enough not to be overrun but too stagnant and inflexible to truly move world affairs. I'm pretty optimistic about China achieving technological self-sufficiency but I think their economic mismanagement (especially with exploding debt) is really embarrassing given how poor China still is (per capita income lower than Mexico).

All in all, China is likely to be underperforming both the hopes of its optimists and the fears of its detractors. I agree, however, that demography is the worst possible argument. Much better would be to focus on China's traditional weaknessess (lack of will to power, excessive conformity, comparatively low innovation given high IQ base etc). Tthe West is stronger than many give it credit for. I suspect that while the "Unipolar World" may be over, the Chinese will be unable to replace the Western system. The result will be indecisive chaos but no breakdown or collapse.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Gearoid Murphy

Hi Gearoid I hope you don't mind I shared it onto Westsawake substack.

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All fair points. There was so much to say I never got around to the caveat which would address the overall thrust of your points. It's that I'm not saying China is perfect or my cup of tea, and it certainly isn't good for the west. They do however look out for their own interests and are building a proper civilisation. Basically I was writing not from a pro-western POV but from a cold objective pro-civilisation POV, and not talking about what I want or what we should want but what is happening.

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Excellent read 🙏

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